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Walk with us to thrive. Walk to make sure wildlife thrives.
Walk for the Wild is an annual event to demonstrate our commitment to deepening human connections with nature and to protect the thriving ecosystems we depend on.
Join us to raise awareness and support of National Wildlife Refuges & their partners while we strive to get people moving a distance of 5K in nature in conjunction with National Wildlife Refuge Week, the second week of October.
National Wildlife Refuge Week 2024 kicks off with Urban Refuge Day on Saturday, October 12th. National Wildlife Refuge Week runs October 13-19, 2024.
Our event is on October 19th starting from 9:30 am – 10:30 am at the Visitor Center of Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge.
Friends contracted local artists to collaborate with Environmental Learning for Kids (ELK) art club elementary age students and MLK High School students, as well as participants of all ages from the First Friday nights at ELK to create captivating artwork for the 56th St Entrances Gate project.
Meet the talented individuals behind this initiative, including Michael Gadlin for the Chambers entrance and Drew Austin (lead artist) and Finn Baker for the Uvulda entrance. These artists have embraced the challenge of addressing concerns of accessibility by collaborating with local students to create entrances that truly reflect the desires and spirit of our community.
Friends of the Front Range Wildlife Refuges 6550 Gateway Rd Commerce City CO 80022
©2025 Friends of the Front Range Wildlife Refuges | Developed by Concrete Creative