
Who are Friends of the Front Range Wildlife Refuges? 

The Friends of the Front Range Wildlife Refuges is a non-profit organization that supports the two largest national wildlife refuges in the Denver metro area – the Rocky Mountain Arsenal and Rocky Flats National Wildlife Refuge. Through active volunteering and fundraising, the Friends of the Front Range Wildlife Refuges supports refuge programs, volunteers, environmental education for kids and habitat restoration among many other projects.



Friends of the Front Range Wildlife Refuges (FFRWR) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded in 2007 to support Colorado’s two largest National Wildlife Refuges, Rocky Mountain Arsenal (RMANWR) and Rocky Flats (RFNWR) National Wildlife Refuges. FFRWR is part of the National Wildlife Refuge Association & Coalition of Refuge Friends & Advocates. These “Friends” groups raise funds for education programs, habitat restoration, community partnerships, and special outreach events. Each year, we set a variety of goals to support of our refuges. Those range from advocating for more support for our refuges to funding bus rides to the refuge for low-income students to hosting special fishing programs. The Friends Group also raises funds for refuge programs by running the store in the Visitor Center, Nature’s Nest, and by hosting an annual fundraising dinner and Silent Auction.


To support and advocate for the conservation and restoration of Rocky Mountain Arsenal and Rocky Flats National Wildlife Refuges and provide opportunities for the public to experience wildlife near a major metropolitan area in the form of volunteering, events, environmental education, and more.


FFRWR envisions A space rich in natural and intercultural diversity that furthers environmental education and recreation for Front Range communities.


The Friends of the Front Range Wildlife Refuges (FFRWR) serve as a supporter and advocate for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and provide support for programs and projects intended to enhance refuge management goals. Each year, FFRWR set a variety of goals in support of our refuges. Those range from funding bus rides to the refuge for low-income school students to hosting special nature photography tours or fishing programs. Please join us as we work with and for the Refuges we love!


Contracts & RFP 

The FFRWR in partnership with the US FWS have embarked upon a new era. In the spring of 2021, the Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge was designed a Flagship Urban Refuge, an amazing national honor. With the honor came a commitment to working closely with the communities surrounding the RMANWR.

The first step is to lay the foundation for revitalized neighborhood relationships based on coordination, collaboration, and interdependence with the traditionally under-served communities around the refuge. We want visitors to feel safe and welcome at the refuge and know that the refuge is the community asset that the neighbors want. To be an asset, the refuge will offer programs and recreational opportunities that meet the needs of the surrounding communities.

The FFRWR is managing several key grants that will fulfill the vision of the refuge. One grant supports the equity research of Metro DNA. Another grant engaged a social science research firm to look at local demographics to determine if the refuge was providing meaningful programs and activities for the neighbors. A new Volunteer Coordinator was hired by FFRWR to recruit more neighbors and friends of the refuge. An Audio Visual, Multimedia, and GIS firm has been hired to assist the FFRWR and refuge with communications.

Learn more about Grants and Contracts Here